

Yet again the possibility of a lie in was snatched from me. Loved one had arranged for a plumber to come and replace the tatty old toilet for a shiny new one. The plumber was scheduled for nine so if I wanted to get out for a run before it got too hot I would have to get up with Loved One.


Running, or at least my version of running, earlier means that I come across a different set of people wandering down the path. I missed the usual set of people.


After a bite to eat I headed to the shower so that I could face the world clean and refreshed. Half way through I was sure that I could hear the doorbell. I ignored it the first time but then it got a little more insistent. Suddenly I realised that it was the plumber. He was early. I doubt he expected to see me wrapped in a towel answering the door. I’m not a sight for sore eyes this time in the morning.


I was expecting the delivery van between one and two, they arrived at eleven. This arriving early thing is starting to form a pattern. All my possessions have arrived. I unpacked the bikes first, it was only right.


I spent the rest of the day unwrapping my possessions. All the boxes where in the garage and that is where I tried to contain the mess. Each box had a new collection of my things. The clothes were easy to deal with although it was obvious that they would all need cleaning and ironing. The ornaments were problematic, Loved One and I have different views on things on surfaces. They were put to one side for future conversations. I found that I have a lot of cookware, these all needed a home in an already crowded kitchen. I guess this is a problem when two households are combined


I got a little fed up with unpacking boxes and started to assemble the bikes. I hit a problem. Somewhere in all the mess was a vital spanner was missing. It would have been an easy matter to nip round to the bike shop to buy one but I was absolutely sure I had packed it.


I gave up as it was getting dark. I was tired and getting a little fed up with all the unwrapping. I felt that I had opened all the boxes I had not come across one or two items that I knew I’d packed.


Loved One prepared tortellini with a bacon and mushroom sauce for tea. It was lovely. It was made better by the fact that I didn’t have to prepare it.


I went to bed wondering where the rest of my belongings where.



Loved One doesn’t work on a Monday, so Monday has become the new Sunday in terms of lying in bed. That would have been the case today if Loved One hadn’t booked her car in for a service. Yet again I had to drag myself out of bed. I’m longing for a proper lie in. Knowing the way things work I will not feel sleepy or in need of a lie in the next time I have an opportunity for one.


The garage offered baked goods and hot chocolate whilst we waited for the car to be serviced. It seemed churlish not to accept the hospitality. It was probably going a bit far to trouser a few packets of crisps.


After dining out on the garage’s hospitality we decided to take a stroll along the Linear Park. It was going to be a hot day so walking this time of day was a good idea. My tea shirt was damp when we returned to pick up the car.


We were leaving a house after a visit when we saw black smoke billowing from a neighbour’s house. This was not a good thing, it smelt of acrid melting plastic. We found the house and knocked on the door. Eventually a very stunned looking thin youth answered the door. He didn’t even notice that there was a fire in the back yard. There was now a small crowd, a few of us just barged in an set too dowsing the fire with water. The youth just stood there looking dazed. The firemen arrived a little after the fire was out. They checked we had done a thorough job and then started questioning the youth. Apparently. he had not put his cigarette out. I suspect the cigarette may have had a little more than tobacco in it.


It was too hot to do much during the afternoon. This was an ideal time to catch up with a bit of reading, drink tea and relax. I nearly fell asleep.


Once it was cool enough we ventured into the garden to sort out the results of yesterday’s late-night gardening session. It took a lot longer to put everything back together.



I’m sure that there was a time in my life when Sunday was a day to turn the alarm off and joining the world slowly. I lamented on this fact as I yet again levered myself out of bed yet again.


It was worth getting out of bed. The sea looked so inviting and wonderful. We swam to about half way between the Jetties before turning around and swimming back. Despite the rains earlier in the week the water was reasonably clear. In my world it is a unique experience to see the bottom of where ever I am swimming. Apparently, it’s not for the others that I’m swimming with at the moment.


We were meeting Suzi at a café bar on the riverside. We arrived in good time, forgetting that the meeting time was subject to the usual Suzi mean time that runs a little behind standard time. We sat there, had a drink and generally admired the scenery. It was a lovely spot to watch the world go by on a sunny day.


We visited the art gallery as it was showing an exhibition of indigenous art. Suzi has a lot of knowledge of this so it was good to go with her. I have a bit of a problem with seeing this type of art in a gallery. I have a limited knowledge but it is my understanding that the pictures are a device for telling a story. Without the story teller or knowledge of the story it just becomes a piece of decorative art. I have a similar view of western religious art.


We decided that we needed to go to the pictures this evening. There was a film that we had spectacularly failed to find time to see despite both of us wanting to see it. We now had the time and the inclination. I’m glad we went.


Doing anything late at night is usually a recipe for disaster, doing anything after a few drinks is also a recipe for disaster. It seemed like a good idea to pull the creeper out of next doors palm trees so that we could tie it up against the trellis. Then the cutters came out. The intention was to just trim a little bit of the tree back. That wasn’t the reality. Rather a lot of the tree got trimmed, in the dark, whilst under the influence.



Unlike the week days I had to get out of bed this morning as I was meeting a group from the tri club in the park. Getting out of bed when you have a reason to is no easier that getting out of bed when you don’t. It just happens quicker


I met the group at the club rooms. There were a few more than last time and one new member. The new member seemed very keen and looked to be quick. I felt that she probably wouldn’t align with my more haphazard way of doing things


We did a route similar to last week. We went down the highway to the end and then turned right to head up to the port via the sea front. At some point after we hit the coast road I hit the front and started pulling. I was on my mountain bike again so I didn’t feel that I would be on the front for long. After a while I looked back to see that the train only consisted of two others. They were quite happy to sit behind and make use of me as a great big fat windbreak. We carried on to the port, there were some of the fast boys out in front and some slower ones in a group behind. We waved at both as we entered and exited the port.


The other two decided that we would take a slightly shorter route back to town. I didn’t have a problem with this as it meant that someone else would have to take the front as we neared town. I didn’t even mind that they would have a tail wind.


I ordered a vanilla cream filled doughnut and a large hot chocolate. The doughnut was inhaled and the hot chocolate was drunk too fast to appreciate. I’d forgotten to eat breakfast and I’d not taken enough water with me. I’d like to think that it is just part of the acclimatisation proves, but I have always been this poorly prepared


There were a few more people at the café this week so it was nice to be introduced to some new faces. They all seemed very pleasant in a focused triathlon sort of way.


Loved One had a plan. She felt it was such a lovely day that we should go to the wildlife park and look at animals sleeping in the sun. I thought this was a wonderful idea but my legs were objecting to the possibility of standing for the rest of the afternoon. I over ruled them


The park is up in the hills. It is so much easier to go up the hills in a car than it is on a bike. Being the passenger, I could look at the views too. It was wonderful to look down on the city and out to the gulf.


When we arrived, we were informed that the Koala cuddling had been cancelled as some of the Koalas had flu. I didn’t even know that they could get flu. Contracting Koala flu isn’t on my list of things I would like to do before I die, so I was quite happy to give it a miss.


We were in time for the feeding of the Tasmanian Devils. I was slightly disappointed that they didn’t look like Taz from the Warner Bros. cartoons. These ones were quite old as Tasmanian devils go. They bumbled around quite happily missing the food that the keeper was throwing at them. It was a bit like a Tasmanian Devil nursing home


Next, we went to see the Dingoes being fed. These were much livelier. I hadn’t realised that Dingoes weren’t a native species. I guess that is one of the reasons these sorts of parks exist: to inform. I liked the look of the dingoes from behind the fence but I could imagine they would be an intimidating sight out in the wild, especially if they were hunting and I was the prey.


We stumbled across the feeding of the water birds next, it was obvious that something was going to happen as a small crowd of both birds and visitors had gathered. The giveaway clue though was the strange man wearing the volunteers’ polo shirt and muttering to himself. He had been present at the last two feedings, I doubt it was a coincidence.


To me the best part of the whole trip was visiting the aviary. We had it all to ourselves. If we moved slowly and carefully the birds would start to ignore us and settle on perches close by. The array of colourful local birds here is just amazing. If only they weren’t so camera shy.


I’m convinced that an emu is an ungodly alliance between a compost heap and small dinosaur. Their bodies look like a pile of dying vegetation and their faces; let’s just say that they are full of malice and malcontent. I’m sure that I would steal my wallet at the first opportunity.


I had the kangaroos eating out of my hand, literally. It helped that I had bought a small packet of food on the way in and that all the kangaroos in the park knew that. Some even sidled up suggestively before letting their true intent be known by nudging my pocket.


I like wombats. I can never get over how big and strong they are. They look at one with themselves. They have the attitude that the world is there purely for their pleasure and they are going to exploit it for all it’s worth, in a minute, after a nap. There wasn’t time to play Wom with them though.


The echidna was probably the least strokable cute creature that I have ever seen. It wondered around poking its nose into anywhere that there might be food. It seemed happy in the knowledge that no one was going to stroke its spines.


There were Kangaroos beyond the confines of the park. These I think were wild Kangaroos that had gained the knowledge that visitors would often leave with handful of food that they needed to get rid of. I was no exception. I had them eating out of my hand…



I woke at five with the call of the bladder. Loved One was fast asleep. My legs complained but my bladder over ruled them. After remedying the situation, I slipped back into bed and fell instantly asleep, the next thing I knew the alarm had been going off for quite a while. Loved One was still fast asleep.


The day spiralled downhill after getting up. Any intention I had for going outside vanished as the day went on. I filled my time reading and applying for jobs that were so unsuitable that I bound to get one. At one point I considered signing up for an extras agency so that I could fulfil my dream of being anonymous face in the crowd number one hundred and three in an art house movie that no one will ever see.


I nearly attempted some gardening but the urge left after yet another cup of tea


Loved One returned from work early today, it being Friday. We had an appointment to meet some of her old friends in a hotel at the edge of town. I felt that a shower and a change of clothes would cast away the vagueness. I think it worked.


It was lovely meeting Loved One’s old friends. We sat in a lively dining room. It was obviously a weekend before many weddings as every table seemed to have a gathering of guests before the day. I have never seen so many formal dresses brought into a dining room before. I wasn’t feeling adventurous with the menu so I went for the fish and chips. I would have had a chicken schnitzel but I’ve had a lot of those recently. The only other option was steak and I wasn’t willing to go through the steak conversation yet again, the one that starts “you want in well done?”.



It was another morning where I had no inclination of getting up. It took a lot of effort to lever myself out of bed as Loved One left. I would have loved a lie in but I feel that it would start shifting my day into the afternoon and then before I know it I’ll be burning the midnight oil and getting up just before noon. I really don’t want to do that.


I went for my regular twelve-minute walk run this morning. Yet again I covered more distance. In fact, I was going faster as a walk/run now that I have done in some runs in the past. I find this strange and oddly satisfying. I still have pain in my achillies but I’m trying to fool myself that it os slowly getting better.


I got home to the tidying up from last night. We had decided that we didn’t need to do it last night as we were celebrating. It didn’t take long to do, mainly because we have a machine to do most of the washing up. If only it would do all the washing up.


I needed to get out and I had a plan to cycle up a couple of hills. The weather looked dubious but I was willing to take the chance. I headed to the hills. The main climb was up to Norton Summit. It was definitely uphill but not ever so uphill. I sweated up at a steady pace until the gradient eased off and I started feeling pleased with myself. I was so happy that I decided that I needed to go up some more hills. I was aiming for Mount Lofty but found that there was a hill in the way. Eventually I struggled to the top of Mount Lofty where I had to stop to take the obligatory picture.


Mount Lofty is the highest point about so the only way forward was downhill, at speed. It felt good going fast without peddling. I made a few guesses and hopefully headed down a road that felt right. A little way along I was asked by some pedestrians if they were going in the direction of the freeway. They were, but I didn’t tell them quite how far the freeway was. They will be walking for quite a while.


Two cyclists pulled out of a turning ahead of me, both in head to toe lycra and on rather nice road bikes. I coveted their bikes. One looked back dismissively at me on my mountain bike. I wasn’t overly bothered as I was gaining. It didn’t take long before I was directly behind them. One of them looked behind and on seeing me decided to accelerate, that made me giggle. I was glad they turned off.


After getting changed I headed into town on the bus to see the end of the Solar Challenge. I’d not planned it at all but I managed to arrive at the right time to see the winner come across the line. There were a lot of Dutch supporters, clad in orange, making a lot of noise as the Dutch entry crossed the line. I feel that there will be a lot of sore Dutch heads in town tomorrow.


I prepared a Thai Green curry tonight with the aid of all of the ingredients from a box. It worked really well and produced a lovely curry that was just hot enough.


Today’s silliness took its toll, I went to bed way before bedtime



I really didn’t have the inclination to get out of bed this morning. It had been a warm night and owning to a belly full of take away food I’d not slept well. I forced myself to make a cut of tea. I found on the way to the kitchen that I was lighter than I’d been for quite a while. I’m not sure how that happened as I feel that I have been eating constantly for the last few days


It has been a foul day. The threatening clouds have brought rain and I’m stuck indoors. I’ve used the time to apply half-heartedly for a few jobs and a few other admin tasks. I’ve drunk far too much tea and the hungers have been ever present as there has been nothing to hold my interest. I know that because my mind keeps turning to food.


I applied for two jobs, they were both things that I have done before and that I am obviously over qualified for but I felt I should give it a go. I also came to the realisation that I really should draft a pro forma cover letter to give myself a better chance. I might leave that as a tomorrow task.


I’ve been married for three months, and so has Loved One, so we decided to celebrate. Our original idea was to put on some nice clothes and go out for a meal. The weather decided that we would stay at home and make something instead. Loved One made a very tasty chicken harissa and I helped by dinking a few glasses of sparkling red wine.


We spent the rest of the evening snuggled on the sofa watching television. It was all very nice.



I went for my usual twelve-minute walk run this morning. I got further along the path than I ever had before. This was strange as I didn’t feel I was putting too much effort into it. I realised on the way back that all this walk run stuff is essentially speed work. If only my achillies didn’t hurt all would be good.


I had to wait for a plumber to visit to give me a quote on replacing the toilet. Waiting gave me the opportunity to do a few trivial things around the house such as: squeeze oranges, the washing up and moving some pot plans.


I needed to get out of the house as the continual searching of job sites was starting to turn me into a human slug. I needed a bike ride. I didn’t feel up to any climbing today so I headed up to the bridge of doom to do my usual loop. Half way up I felt the familiar thwack on the back of my helmet that signalled a magpie swoop. I waited for the next one but it never came. It felt like a swoop but I’m not really sure.


I got home to find that two spokes on my back wheel had broken. I was not happy about this as I don’t have spares and my ability to fix spokes is limited. It doesn’t affect the bike too much as it has disk brakes so I decided to wait until the rest of my bikes arrive before taking the wheel to the shop.


The plan was to have an Italian take away meal with Loved One’s sister and Mother this evening. Plans had been hatched yesterday and food had been chosen from the menu. We received a phone call as we were just about to leave to tell us that the restaurant no longer existed and to ask us to go by another restaurant to pick up a Thai take away.


We settled down at the table and worked our way through the mountains of food before settling down to a bit of gossip and television watching. We spotted a friend of ours on the television.



We could have a lie in today. Well that is what I thought. I was prepared for an epic teenager style lie in until I remembered that Loved One had arranged to visit friends this morning. So much for an epic lie in. I had to make do with a minor lie in instead.


We were only half an hour late and that was because we had to stop and find a birthday card. I spent a happy hour chatting about sewage processing and people involved in water management whilst loved one chatted to her friend about back pain


Our social whirl continued at lunch time went we met some friends at a café in the market. I sat there and worked my way through a giant schnitzel and chips. Luckily one of the friends was deep into a story so I didn’t really have to contribute to the conversation.


We stopped at the supermarket on the way home because if we hadn’t it was likely that we would have to stare at a blank cupboard for supper.


We spent the remaining daylight finishing off in the garden. There were lots of green things that needed to be put in the soil and watered.


We had been given some fresh mullet so this evenings meal was an easy decision. We had the mullet with a small salad. We had eaten at lunchtime after all.



My legs didn’t really want to get out of bed this morning. The rest of me wasn’t that keen either.


We headed to the beach for a swim. I wasn’t feeling like a big swim and luckily neither was anyone else. The sea however had different plans. There was quite a current running so it took much longer that normal to get to the half kilometre point. Coming back however, was much, much quicker.

Garden Centre

The garden centre was on the way home so we popped in for a few bits and pieces and left with a massive amount of green things.


We spent a happy afternoon pottering in the garden. All kinds of things got done at a pace suitable for a hot day. The borders in the front got cleared and prepared and the irrigation system was sorted so that all the bits that needed water got water. It was a very satisfying way to spend the afternoon.


After all that work I wasn’t too enthusiastic about creating anything in the kitchen. I just warmed up some of the ratatouille left over from the middle of the week and served it with pasta. It went down well.