

I quickly stepped on the scales and was pleased to find that another four hundred grams have disappeared since yesterday. This helped my resolve to maintain the no eating till four regime for another day


Loved One gave me a lift to the swimming pool as it was on her way to work. One half of the pool was full of fish like swimmers taking part in a squad session whilst the other half was full of people going slower that I though humanly possible. The plan was to do some easy laps to see if my ribs had recovered. I have a race on Saturday so I though that it was not something to find out in the middle of the mass start. I managed to get through the swim without hurting so it was a success.


The phone rang and I thought it was Loved One ringing from work. The number was very similar. It wasn’t. Instead, it was someone ringing about a job application I’d made a few days ago. I had to switch into business speak and sell myself over the phone. It must have gone well as they want me to pop in next Tuesday for the next step of the process.


I felt that I should celebrate by doing a short and sweaty session on the bike trainer. I selected a video of a suitable length and sweated freely. After a bout ten minutes I remembered that I should have bought out a towel with me as I had nothing to wipe the sweat away. I didn’t want to stop so I just carried on whilst trying to ignore the sweat that was dripping into my eyes. It was hard to ignore as It was stinging.


With all the excitement and activity, it was gone eleven o’clock before I even thought of food. This was a good thing as I felt I could easily distract myself with trivia until four. I managed this by binge listening to one of my favourite podcasts and working on the next task in my monthly to do list.


I managed to get to quarter past four. Then the urge to stuff myself became too strong. I started with stewed plums and yoghurt and continues with more fruit, then a little more fruit. I stopped when I realised there was a high possibility of spending the rest of the evening on the toilet.


We had a whatever was left in the fridge meal this evening, leaving the fridge an empty echoing void. The problem with this is that an empty fridge makes me feel hungry.


The birds have been attaching the plum tree so it was time of the yearly plum harvest and stewing festival. It would have been better to do this during the day but as we were away for the weekend it had to be done this evening.


We ended the evening exhausted but with a freezer full of stewed plums.

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